Repairs & Maintenance Service

Repairs & Maintenance Service

At Focus AT, we understand how important it is for your mobility and positioning equipment to be in top condition. That’s why we offer a comprehensive repair and maintenance service for all types of mobility and positioning equipment. Our skilled AT technicians can assist with programming, set-up, and general maintenance, ensuring that your equipment is functioning optimally.

It’s important to note that regular servicing and maintenance of your mobility and positioning equipment can extend its lifespan and reduce the risk of costly breakdowns. That’s why we recommend annual servicing, and we can work with you to design a maintenance and review program that’s tailored to your specific needs.

Our repair and maintenance service is available to all clients and providers, even if you don’t access any of our other services. Whether it’s a minor repair or a major overhaul, our technicians are equipped to handle it all.

If you need assistance with the repair, maintenance, programming or set-up of your mobility and positioning equipment, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Our friendly team is always here to help.

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