Skills Programs & Group Activities

Wheelchair Skills Programs

At Focus AT, we understand that learning how to use a new assistive technology device can be daunting, and we are here to support you. Our team offers a range of programs to help you develop and improve your AT-related skills, such as powered mobility and manual wheelchair skills.

Our powered mobility program is designed to help individuals who are new to using a powered mobility device, such as an electric wheelchair, learn the necessary skills to use the device safely and effectively. We offer personalized training sessions, which include setting up the device to your needs, basic maneuvering, and advanced techniques to navigate challenging environments.

We also provide manual wheelchair skills training for individuals who rely on manual wheelchairs for mobility. Our program includes training on proper positioning, transfers, and navigating different terrains. We aim to help you become more confident and independent in using your device, which can lead to greater freedom and quality of life.

Our team is dedicated to ensuring that you receive the support you need to integrate your new mobility device into your daily life. Contact us to learn more about our AT-related programs and how we can help you improve your skills.